Thursday, 8 December 2011

Risk Assesment

Health and Safety
After designing my storyboard and choosing where to shoot my video, I had to consider health and safety regulations. As my filming took place in only one location against a blank background and did not consist of any potentially dangerous activities, my health and safety considerations were fairly minimum. I first checked for any hazards in the area I was working in. as it was indoors I only had to move a few wires and a chair to ensure the space was clear and there was nothing to trip over. The risk of harm whilst filming, I found, was low and I did not face any problems when I did film as the only possible hazard was the tripod and I was careful to keep it out of the way as much as possible and ensured I was careful when moving around it. As there were no changes to equipment I did not have to revise my risk assessment and continued to film in a safe environment.

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